A sand county almanac
 Aldo Leopold

150 kr.

'There are some who can live without wild things, and some who cannot,' begins Aldo Leopold's totemic work of ecological thought. Ranging from lyrical observations of the changing seasons over a year on his Wisconsin farm to his hugely influential idea of a 'land ethic' signifying moral equilibrium between humans and all other life on earth, A Sand County Almanac changed perceptions of the natural world and helped give birth to the modern conservation movement.

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'There are some who can live without wild things, and some who cannot,' begins Aldo Leopold's totemic work of ecological thought. Ranging from lyrical observations of the changing seasons over a year on his Wisconsin farm to his hugely influential idea of a 'land ethic' signifying moral equilibrium between humans and all other life on earth, A Sand County Almanac changed perceptions of the natural world and helped give birth to the modern conservation movement.

'There are some who can live without wild things, and some who cannot,' begins Aldo Leopold's totemic work of ecological thought. Ranging from lyrical observations of the changing seasons over a year on his Wisconsin farm to his hugely influential idea of a 'land ethic' signifying moral equilibrium between humans and all other life on earth, A Sand County Almanac changed perceptions of the natural world and helped give birth to the modern conservation movement.

De uværdige –Roy Jacobsen
De uværdige
Roy Jacobsen
300 kr.
Mærket –Frída Ísberg
Frída Ísberg
250 kr.
Stadig værd at elske –Caroline Thrane
Stadig værd at elske
Caroline Thrane
150 kr.
Troldmanden Fra Kreml –Giuliano Da Empoli
Troldmanden Fra Kreml
Giuliano Da Empoli
270 kr.
Jeg Er Hende – Tina Frank
Jeg Er Hende
Tina Frank
150 kr.